World Mental Health Day Tips

Celebrate World Mental Health Day With These Simple Tips For A Healthier Mind

In recognition of World Mental Health Day on October 10th, we are committed to raising awareness and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health. Your mental health plays a vital role in your emotional, psychological, and social health, influencing nearly every aspect of your life. Now is the perfect time to focus on nurturing your mental health while also learning how to better support your loved ones who may be struggling so that we may be caring without โ€˜carryingโ€™ the weight.

Here are a few quick Q&As that can guide you toward a more conscious way of living that can be sustained.

Mental Heath Awareness Day Tips
Image courtesy of Chirayu Vyas via Pexels

What daily practices can I adopt to improve my mental health?

Creating a daily routine can work wonders for your mental well-being. Kick off your day with activities that set a positive tone in the morning and wind down with practices to help you relax at night. After sticking to this for around 40 days, you can gradually build on it.

In the morning, take a moment to check in with yourself and set an intention for the day. Tune into your physical and emotional state, then decide what you want to focus on. Next, practice breathing exercises to release any tension and emotionally reset, like box breathing or alternate nostril breathing. And finally ground yourself with a mindful meditation, either guided or focusing on your breath. You can easily complete all of this in just 20 minutes!

At night, consciously close your day by reflecting on all thatโ€™s happened and what youโ€™ve learned today. Visualise yourself “closing the files” so that you are not carrying your โ€˜to-doโ€™ list to sleep, and releasing any lingering concerns. Then just as you close your eyes, repeat a positive affirmation of how you would love to feel as your final thought before sleep, such as โ€œAs I become more relaxed, peaceful, and accepting of my reality, I effortlessly move forward towards my goals and keep growingโ€.

Mental Heath Awareness Day Loved Ones
Image courtesy of Anh Nguyen via Pexels

How can I support a loved one who is feeling anxious and not maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

One of the most meaningful ways to support someone is by simply being present with them. While you canโ€™t take away someone elseโ€™s pain, you can lovingly be there beside them as they walk their path, and that usually does seem to make their journey so much easier. Let them know you care, listen attentively, and ask how you can best support them. While itโ€™s difficult to watch someone you love struggle, giving unsolicited advice or lectures can often push them further away.

Instead, ask open-ended questions to truly understand how theyโ€™re really feeling, without any agenda to change or control them. Validate their experience without telling them โ€˜not to be that wayโ€™, and then paint a picture of what they can move towards. Your presence alone can be incredibly healing, and can even strengthen your bond. Consider asking them directly what kind of support would feel most helpful, and focus on actively listening to their needs.

Mental Heath Awareness Day Emotional Triggers
Image courtesy of Anna Shvets via Pexels

How can I manage my emotions when I feel triggered?

We’re all wired to experience emotions, though sadly weโ€™ve not been educated on how to process our feelings and believe that we need to โ€˜manageโ€™ them. Our goal isnโ€™t to stifle or control our emotions, but to understand, embrace and work through them. By the time youโ€™re feeling something, particularly if itโ€™s uncomfortable, itโ€™s too late to stop the emotion in its tracks โ€“ and trying to do so often leads to judgment and suppression.

Aim to face your emotions without being overwhelmed by them. When a strong emotion surfaces, allow it to come up and breathe through the experience. Ride the wave rather than fighting it. And when you’re caught in a moment where dealing with them on the spot isn’t an option, mentally bookmark them for later unpacking. Picture tucking those feelings away in a mental โ€œsafeโ€, with the promise to unpack them before hitting the hay. This little trick allows you to handle emotions in a healthy way, avoiding simmering resentment or sudden outbursts. Swing back to those feelings before bedtime and give them a once-over by just facing them, breathing into them, and picturing yourself exhaling all that emotional buildup.

Sonia Samtani Author Bio
Sonia Samtani
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Sonia Samtani is a renowned transformation and healing expert, Master Hypnotherapist and Trainer, and keynote speaker with over two decades of experience helping individuals unlock their true potential. As the founder and CEO of All About You Wellness Centre in Hong Kong, Sonia is dedicated to empowering individuals with simple yet powerful tools to move from judgment to acceptance. She employs a wide range of holistic practices, including hypnotherapy, inner child healing, and public speaking coaching, among others.


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